Tuesday 13 October 2015


Arnav scooped her up in his arms and made his way up towards his room. He laid her gently on his bed opps their bed. He was about to shout Nani, Di only to realize that they were all upset about the day's incident. He called their family doctor immediately. His gaze fell on Khushi, the innocent girl from Lucknow gave his life a positive meaning and taught him to love and smile after a very long time but now she was broken from inside.

He looked at the garland round her neck and then the one around his own. He took out his and her garland. He gently removed her heavy dupatta from her head, then all her heavy jewelries except her mangalsutra, and then started nursing her with a wet tea towel at her head.

The doctor arrived and checked Khushi. After prescribing medicine to reduce her fever, he left but before that he told that

Doctor - Mr. Raizada, your wife is very weak. She is very much mentally depressed. All she needed is tender loving care and is not to be overexerted or hurt in anyway. I gave her injection. She will regain her conscious after some times (giving Arnav some medicine) after feeding her something give this pills

Arnav - Ok Doctor

Doctor left from there.

Arnav sat beside Khushi and started stroking her hair. He saw her dry tears. Her innocent face was full of pain. She had enough cried for a lifetime due to Guptas or him. Now he would make her life full of happiness. From now she would be his first priority than others. He would do world apart to fulfill her every wish.

After sometime Khushi regained her conscious and slowly opened her eyes. First she saw Arnav looking at her lovingly. She could see love and care for her into those chocolate brown eyes while Arnav found himself trapped into the depth of her innocent green hazel eyes.

Khushi tried to sit on the bed. Arnav helped her to sit. He arranged the pillows on behind so that she did not feel uncomfortable.  He took her hands in his.

Arnav - How are you feeling Khushi ?

Khushi - I'm fine Arnav ji

Arnav - I'm sorry Khushi. Believe me I didn't know that things will turn out like this

Khushi - Arnav ji please tell me why you suddenly ask me to marry you today

He placed his head on her lap and tightened his hold on her waist.

Arnav - I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have done this but my fear of losing you made me to do this. I just don't want to lose you like Ma. In my possessiveness what I did what I thought it would be right. I know I've hurt you in this process but don't worry I'll get everything back to normal and I'll talk to your family as well

Feeling the honesty from his words, Khushi started caressing his head.

Khushi - From today, you are my only family.  I don't care about Guptas .They are nothing to me. One more thing if anyone from your family ever try to hurt me Arnav ji then I am not gone tolerate this even if the person this is your beloved Di

Arnav was agreed with her. He agreed that both of them did wrong by getting married that way but and they were bond to be upset but still thier behavior was not right.

Arnav - This is your house Khushi do whatever you want to do. No one will interfere in your matter even me. Enjoy your life as MRS.ASR (while caressing her face) I want something from you will you give me Khushi ?

Khushi - What can I give you Arnav ji ?

Arnav - From now on you will call me ARNAV

Khushi - But Arnav ji

Arnav - Oh common, Khushi at least now drop that JI '. Just call me ARNAV. I don't want to listen to anything Khushi. I'll love to hear only Arnav from you. Hearing from you my name with the suffix added ji', I'm feeling like old. I'm just 26 Khushi (crying out loud) Samjhi tum. From now you will call me ARNAV

Khushi  -  AR...NAAAV

Arnav felt heavenly hearing his name from her mouth nobody ever call him with that much love and sweetness.

Arnav - Good, just keep this up. Now I m going to arrange some food till then you get freshen up

Khushi - Arnav, I don't have any clothes to change into

Arnav - I know you can wear something of mine

Khsuhi - Okay

Arnav got up and opened his cupboard. He scanned his clothes for something suitable and grabbed a white cotton kurta pyjama from his unused cloth section and walked towards her and held them out. Khushi took it and went to bathroom for change.

Khushi closed the bathroom door behind her and stood amazed. The size of Arnav's bathroom was bigger than her room at home. There was a massive glass shower cubicle, a large Jacuzzi at the corner of the room with a large LED TV and towards the wall, approximately halfway through the room, stood a large marble dresser with 2 in built sinks and a large mirror. 

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