Tuesday 10 March 2015


Khushi could not believe that Arnav would take her out today. Since the day he had married her he was avoiding her. Not even once he had tried to talk to her. She rembereded the night when Arnav had forcefully married her how furious he was as if he would kill her. But when her mother was about to slap her he didn't let her saying "Khushi is my wife and I have not given anyone the right to misbehave with her even if it is you her own mother". How he had picked her in his arms as a ritual.

He was so calm and protective the next day but then why had he married her forcefully. He said that he would hurt her every minute, make her life hell but not even once hadhe tried hurting her. Infect he had saved her from the wrath of both the families. Khushi thought "Leave it Khushi you can never understand him and if you keep on thinking like this you will never get ready. Ohhh God why Arnavji is so complicated? But he is good by heart"
Khushi wore a red saree with black border as red his favourite color. She curled her hair slightly and opened her hair just the Arnav liked. She wore a diamond ear ring set, her mangal sutra and Arnav's mother's bangel only. She did minimal make up. Today she wanted ready for him. When she was struggling to tie her blouse dori, Arnav opened the door. Khushi did not notice him. He looked at her intently and then at her exposed back. He unwittingly began walking towards Khushi. He touched her dori and she felt his warm fingers burning against her skin.  She looked through the mirror and got up nervously. She faced him and looked away.

Arnav - It is my right Khushi

He looked straight into her eyes. His sexy chocolate brown eyes were showing immense passion for her in them.  She turned around breathing very heavily and gulping her breath. He tied her dori and came slightly near. His breath was sending tingles down her spine. He bent down to place a kiss on her neck . Khushi moaned "Arnaavji"

Arnav turned her towards him and said near her ears "Ho gaya Khushi".
Khushi slowly opened her eyes. Her green hazal eyes met with his chocolate brown teasing eyes. Khushi blushed seeing him so close to her. Arnav noticed her top to bottom

Arnav (smirkingly) - By the way in this red saree (Khushi looked at him atttentively) you are looking beautiful

Saying that, he went to bathroom for change. Khushi left the room.

In Living Room,

Nani - Khushi Bitiya you are looking very beautiful today... May God bless you and Chote.

Anjali - Yes Nani why won't she look beautiful... she has dressed for Chote and that too in his favorite color red

Khushi(blushing) - It's nothing like that Di

Just then Arnav came there. He wore  white shirt and blue jeans. he was looking very sexy and handsome. He unbuttoned his shirt's top two buttons which showed his cleanly shaved manly chest. Khushi felt her throat drying. Arnav smirked inwardly seeing Khushi's body reaction seeing him.

Arnav - Lets go Khushi
Anjali - Enjoy Chote and Khushiji

He held her hand and took her to the car. He made her sit comfortably and almost brushed his hand with her lips while putting the seat belt and then came and sat on his seat. He looked at her once and then drove away from RM.

Arnav stopped his car in front of a multiplexer. They both came out from the car. Khushi looked at him questionably.

Arnav - Khushi you are Salman Khan's fan. So I thought you love to watch Kick

Khushi was so much happy hearing this that she hugged Arnav. When she was about to move realizing what she was doing, she felt Arnav's hand wrapped around her waist. He was now hugging her. They stood there hugging each other for what seemed an eternity. They broke the hug and entered into the multiplexer.
After seeing the movie, Arnav came out from the multiplexer with a happy Khushi. He was happy today Khushi smiling whole heartedly for the first time after their marriage. They both sat in the car.

Arnav parked his car and came out waiting for his wife. Khushi saw a big five star hotel from glass. She came out from the car and she felt nervousness. But when Arnav hold her hand, all her nervousness was gone. Khushi was now feeling confident to walk inside with her hot dashing husband.

They entered the hotel. The manager came and took them to their table. Arnav pulled the chair for her. She gracefully climbed and sat on it, with a smile on her lips.

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